The Magic of Love

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                                                                        The Magic of Love

                                                                     By Tanashie Jacquecin 

 "I don't think the potion is turning out right", stated Novia, as she was brewing it in her crock-pot. "The book says it's meant to be a forest green, but this is definitely lime green, what do you think?" She asked while turning to look at her best friend Brooklyn.  

Not even looking up from her medical textbook, Brooklyn said, "How should I know, you’re the witch. This is not going to cause an explosion, will it? Last one caused me to stick to the celling for hours." 

"I said I was sorry.” stated Novia with a pout. She continued working on her potion, adding a variety of ingredients that may have seemed strange to a non-magic user, but is as common as salt and pepper to those in the magic community.  

Novia Johnson and Brooklyn Heights seemed different as night and day. Novia is an artsy young witch with an optimistic outlook on life while Brooklyn consider herself a pessimistic medical student that believes there is a reason for everything. Surprisingly, these two have been best friends' for years. "What are you working on anyway?” Brooklyn asked her best friend.  

"I am working on a location drought. In case I lose something, one sip of this will let me find it quickly" Novia said while she continued working on her potion. Eventually, she got the right color going, and started bottling her creations. When she was done, with a wave of her hand, the kitchen was clean like nothing happened. "I am still not used to that" said Brooklyn. "Well anyway, what are your plans for today?" 

With all the bottles packed up, Novia turned to her best friend and said, "I don't have to head to class for another five hours so, probably just wing it." Without a care in the world, she put her potions in the fridge. She placed one small vile in her pocket and grabbed her bag. "Alright, I'm out! I'll be home later tonight", Novia said while heading to the door. "Do you want me to pick you up anything, Brooklyn?" 

"No, I'm good. But you can do something for me?” Brooklyn said while finally turning to her best friend. "Please don't get into trouble." 

"Oh Brooklyn, what could possibly happen?" 

It was a cool fall afternoon in Salem, Massachusetts, and Novia was enjoying it by having a cup of hot chocolate in the local park. Her odd habit of people watching was always something that soothed her soul. When out of nowhere a guy sat next to her. There was nothing worth noticing about him but quicker than a rabbit, he grabs her bag, and ran away. Novia chased after him without a second thought. "Hey!" She shouted "Thief! Jerk! Give me back my fucking bag!" 

Heart pounding and feet moving, she suddenly thought, I can use my magic. She quickly thought of a paralyzing spell and aimed it at the thief. Surprisingly, the spell bounced back. For some reason, her magic spell was not responding to her, she could not cast a one. What's going on? she thought. Why is my magic not working? Regardless, she ran after the culprit. She chased him through the park and it seemed that he was going deeper and deeper into the forest section of it.  Soon, Novia was no longer in the park, but deeper into a forest. The thief ran farther and farther until he ran into a tree.  

Right into the tree. 

"What the hell" Novia said in shock. She slowly crept closer to the mysterious tree and placed her hand on the bark. Her hand went straight through it! Do I want to go through? she asked herself. With slight hesitation, she went into the tree.  

What wonders did she see! The sky was the color of a princess rose, a soft shade of pink that baby girls wore. Clouds that resembled blue cotton candy seemed to glide across the sky. "Okay then, Novia said in an odd tone, "I didn’t know this was in the park." Novia looked around her surroundings and noticed that she completely lost the thief. “Okay”, Novia said aloud, “where did he go?’ 

Looking around her surroundings, she could find no trace of the thief anywhere. What am I going to do, she though while putting her hands in her pocket. With a look of surprise on her face, she took at her potion. “Ah” exclaimed Novia, “how could I have forgotten about you?” Without a second thought, she took her location drought and drank it in one go.  

Not knowing how to describe it, it was like her body knew where to go on its own. With eyes full of wonder, she followed the path that was sent out for her. This new world was filled with beautiful flowers, new interesting creatures, and so much more. Even though she let her eyes wander over the amazing sites, she kept her eyes open for the thief. 

Novia finally caught sight of him. He seemed to be waiting for her. As she got closer to him, she noticed that he had a smirk on his face, and that pissed her off. "Hey ass-hat, why did you take my bag!", Novia shouted. The thief kept silent, still with that annoying smirk on his face. 

The smirk was really starting to bug Novia. Suddenly, the thief's face started to change. Instead of a plain boring face that was once there, stood a face she knew too well. "Surprise, Novia, happy anniversary!" It was Adam, her loving and somewhat annoying, boyfriend.

"Adam, you jerk, what the hell?" 

Even though Novia was happy that her man remembered their special day, she was still annoyed that he made her go through all this effort. Adam just gave her one of his loving smile, knowing she would not stay mad at him for long. “It’s our anniversary love, I wanted to give you a grand adventure for a present. Not only that..."With a whisper of a spell under his breath and quick swish of his hand, the trees behind him moved and revealed a picnic lunch with all Novia's favorite foods. Novia hugged her boyfriend and said, "Thank you baby, this is very sweet. “As they laid on the picnic blanket, enjoying their meal, Novia turned to Adam and said, "Adam, one more thing." 

"Yes, love?" 

"Give me back my bag."

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