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BTanashie Jacquecin 

For the hundredth time since I arrived, I plotted my escape from this damn kennel that that these humans put me in. It seemed like a great idea at the time, going on a drive with Tanashie, my human servant, and enjoy the rest of the day. But no, she left me in this hurried prison filled with other caged dogs.  

"Come back!", I barked. "don't leave me with these people". Of course, my silly human couldn't understand me and just left. 

For days I was trapped in that horrible placed. No matter how much I barked, these humans would not let me out or even pet me. It wasn’t just me that hated it here, all the other dogs were getting sick of this prison 

" Let me out!" 

"Feed me!" 

"I want to go home!" 

 All in all, I was quiet compared to these bumbling idiots. 

One day, I finally snapped. I was going to get out of this horrible place and find my way back home like the dogs on tv. When these humans were not looking, I started to dig a hole in the dirt floor. It was hard at first, but I eventually made a dent. Surprisingly, these silly humans did think to cover the dirt floor with a padding. For days I was digging that hole, and not one of those silly humans stopped me. They simply walked by the kennel, barley acknowledging me.  

One day, I did not have to dig anymore. 

"Buster!", someone shouted my name. I turned around and saw my favorite person in the world. 


"You're back", I barked. "You came back for me!" 

With my hole soon forgotten, I ran to Tanashie, hoping to be set free. 

Ready to go home?" she asked me.

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